How to use our website

This is information about how to use our website.

About This Website

  • This website (URL with is managed by TUAT.
  • When any discrepancy exists, information in any individual page takes priority over the description in this section.
  • Please note that content and URL may be changed or deleted without prior notice.
  • For information about TUAT services and operations, refer to the Contacts Page.

About Copyrights

  • The copyright for this website belongs to TUAT.
  • It is forbidden to commit any conduct that can harm the rights of authors protected under the Copyright Act, including duplication, reproduction, public transmission, translation, and adaptation, etc.

About the Protection of Personal Information on this website

About Website Linking

Feel free to set up a link to the TUAT website. Please ensure indication that the linked website belongs to TUAT.

Recommended Environment

By adopting "Responsive Web Design", this site realizes screen display optimization for browsers on desktop monitors/screens, notebook PCs, tablets and smartphones based on the following display resolutions.

Monitor Resolution

Maximum Monitor Resolution 1280(~1920)x768 pixels
Minimum Monitor Resolution 320x480 pixels

WEB Browser


Internet Explorer9 or later



Smartphones (Tablet terminals)

Android OS4.2 or later
iOS8 or later

* This website can be viewed on other operating systems and other browsers than those listed above, however, we cannot guarantee the site will be entirely bug free.

In order to view PDF files, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader ?? plug-in offered free of charge from Adobe Systems, Inc.
