Official Mascots

TUAT celebrated the 140th anniversary of its founding in 2014. Aiming to enhance our brand image and become a university beloved by students, faculty and staff, graduates, prospective students and company employees and members of the local community affiliated with the school or not, TUAT has created two lovable mascots—Hakken (Discovery) and Koken (Contribution).
The following establishes specifications and other matters related to the images and use of these characters, which TUAT encourages all interested parties to proactively employ.

Usage Standards

If you are interested in using TUAT’s official mascots, please do so according to the following standards:

The characters must be used to publicize or spread information on university business policies or must contribute to the enhancement or spread of education, scholarship, culture and sports.

Usage must not harm the university’s image or integrity.

Usage Procedures (including by persons not affiliated with TUAT)

When used for university activities (including extracurricular activities) and business, there is no need to ask for permission to use mascot images. TUAT encourages official mascot use for these purposes. For all other uses, please include a draft of your intended design in an application for permission to use the images of these mascots, and submit it to the Public Relations and Endowment Office of the General Affairs Office.

Submit your request via email to the Public Relations and Endowment Section, General Affairs Office.
Email: koho2(insert @ symbol here)

Important Points of Note Concerning Usage

Every component and color used for Hakken and Koken, including letters and characters, carries symbolism and meaning. Altering their design in any way could disrupt the image they possess. When using TUAT’s official mascots, please be sure to follow the points below as well as the items noted in the mascot specification manual.

When using the mascots in color, do not change any colors or patterns, either in whole or in part.
Please use the mascots’ images and names together with the university’s name whenever possible.
Do not modify the shape or component parts of the mascots.
Hakken and Koken are friends. Use them together as a set.

Image Data

Images of Hakken and Koken can be freely downloaded via the link below.
In addition to the images of these mascots, there are logos that can be used with them. Download any and all image data as appropriate to your needs.
(Please note that the link below is on-campus site for university members; outside persons should inquire using the contact information provided below.)

Download image data (To on-campus site for university members; opens in new window)

Contact information for persons interested in using mascot image data

Public Relations and Endowment Office, General Affairs Office
Tel: 042-367-5895 (ext. 5895)
Email: koho2(insert @ symbol here)
