University Charter

This page introduces the University Charter.

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Charter


The rapid expansion and deepening of knowledge and the profound transformation of technologies and social systems they inspired are among the major factors characterizing the 20th century. Today, in the 21st century, such changes not only continue to occur but seem to accelerate. The production and transfer of the highly sophisticated knowledge (academic and research) have not only come to possess an unprecedentedly large significance for individuals, communities and nations, but have also become indispensable in cultural, economic and environmentally sustainable developments throughout society. Amid this, universities play a central role in academic and cultural developments through their leading-edge academic and research activities. Their presence and role as leaders of such developments are ever-more important.
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology was established in 1949 and its history traces back over. more than 130 years to the roots of its predecessor organization’s foundation in 1874. The TUAT Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Engineering respectively originated with the Agricultural Education Center of the Naito-Shinjuku Branch Office of the Industrial Encouragement Department, Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Silkworm Disease Experimental Section, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce founded in 1877.
With this background, TUAT has developed as a unique science and technology institution based on agricultural science and engineering, two scientific fields that support the fundamentals of human society, agriculture and industry. Academic and research activities conducted at TUAT across a broad range of areas can contribute to constructing a secure and safe society and can create and develop new industries.

TUAT education and research aim to further pursue the truth based on free ideas and produces learned researchers, engineers and highly specialized professionals who uncompromisingly reflect on the influence science and technology have on the Earth, society and mankind. It is to this purpose that the university herein sets forth the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Charter as its principles and goals.

Fundamental TUAT Principles

Upon the base realized by 20th century society and science technology, TUAT strives toward achieving a society that enables sustainable development, and holds to the fundamental principles of contributing to the advancement of science and technology in harmony with society and the natural environment. TUAT also aims to cultivate human resources that will execute these principles when conducting free thought-based academic research in agriculture, engineering and integrated fields.
In other words, TUAT adheres to the motto “MORE SENSE: Mission Oriented Research and Education giving Synergy in Endeavors toward a Sustainable Earth”, and endeavors to resolve the issues that mankind faces in the 21st century.


As well as stimulating knowledge acquisition in the field of science and technology, TUAT nurtures students' autonomous capabilities to explore knowledge, pursue objectives and resolve problems.
TUAT also cultivates and produces preeminent researchers, engineers and highly-skilled professionals who are capable of establishing a symbiotic society and of contributing to human society with deep intelligence, broad cosmopolitanism and high ethics.



TUAT promotes the creation of new first-rate knowledge through “mission-oriented research” varying from basic inquiries to technology applications in the fields of agriculture, engineering and the integration of both as mainstays supporting human society.

With high ethics, TUAT fulfills social responsibility in the capacity of transmitting science and technology information towards the construction of a sustainable society where both human beings and nature can thrive in a symbiotic relationship.


Social contribution and international exchange

TUAT contributes to the Japanese advancement of science and technology by promoting cooperation and exchange with research institutions, industries and local communities. It helps to enhance, revitalize and develop industries and local communities by participating in the cultivation of academic culture and the creation of a foundation for scientific training.

Through education and research activities that foster a healthy development of science and technology and by returning such achievements to society, TUAT strengthens academic and cultural exchange with foreign countries to construct a global symbiotic society, with an aim to contributing to maintaining international peace and improving the welfare of the human race.



TUAT is operated voluntary and autonomously through the cooperation of its constituent members based on its purpose as a national university corporation and on the fundamental principle of “MORE SENSE”. The university gives due consideration to the natural environment and shows respect to human rights.

It remains consciously aware of its public nature as a national university corporation and encourages organizational and administrative reform through plans and evaluations as well as achieves social accountability with high transparency and extensive public openness.

July 1st, 2006
