Job Openings and Internships

Notifications about job openings and internships.

For Students

You can search for and browse through job ads from businesses and organizations using the job opening information system Careetas UC (formerly UniCareer).
You can use the system anywhere you have an Internet connection.
To get the ID and password you need to use the system, please contact the Student Support Section of the Student Support Office.

Note: Businesses and organizations post job opening information on Careetas UC directly, so the Student Support Office does not review them. Please research the company or organization posting the job before inquiring about or applying for the position.
Note: You can view conventional print job advertisements at the Student Support Section of the Student Support Office.

? Students who graduated in 2017 or before can click on the following link to continue using UniCareer.
? Students who will graduate in 2018 or later can click on the following link to use Careetas UC.

For Businesses

Since January 2016, Careetas UC (formerly UniCareer)—a system operated and managed by Disco Inc.—has been posting job advertisements for distribution to schools.
Note: We only accept ads for jobs requiring school recommendation through the conventional paper method.

You will need an ID and password to use the Careetas UC job opening information distribution system. If your company or organization does not have an ID and password, please visit the following site and follow the procedure for generating your ID and password. Once you have acquired your ID and password, please send job advertisements to us by selecting “Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology” from the school search page. The use of this system is free of charge.

Note: On the basis of the guidelines for employers, agencies and other concerned parties to ensure that young people have employment opportunities and find solid employment, we will not accept job advertisements sent from offices whose job ads are not accepted by Hello Work.

We encourage businesses and organizations to click on the following link to distribute job advertisements via Careetas UC (formerly UniCareer).


? Contact information for the Careetas UC (formerly UniCareer) service:

Disco Inc. Careetas UC Customer Support
Tel 0120-551-652 (if you cannot use the toll-free number, please dial 03-6635-6488)
Hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Except on designated Disco Inc. holidays.)
E-mail ?

