How to Apply for a Certificate (graduates)

Regarding Processing Fee for Certificates

 Although we had been issuing Certificates free of charge for Alumni, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology have started to charge processing fee for issuing some Certificates

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation.

◆Start Date
 April 1, 2019

◆Applies to
 Alumni, Withdrawals and Students who left the University before graduation.

◆Certificates subjected to charging processing fee
 1)Verification of Graduation, Verification of Completion, Academic Transcript、Enrollment Certification、Degree Certification, Academic Achievement Certification (For Teaching-training Course)
 2)We will continue to issue other Certificates free of charge for certificates than the above. Please check on how to request other than above certificates at the Faculty office.
Faculty of Agriculture?Graduate School of Agriculture
 Faculty of Engineering?Graduate School of Engineering
 United Graduate School of Agricultural Science
 Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering

◆Processing fee
 500 yen per certificate

◆Processing fee and System Usage fee
 In addition to issuing certificate fee, the system usage incur expense (250-550yen); however, The University Alumni Association will cover the system usage fee.

 You can access the system and fee, proceed on payments for issuance fee and postage charges.

(It would be grateful if you would go through all the contents indicated on this HP before actually accessing the system.
 ※ You can refer to the input digital manual when issuing a certificate.

【Notes on application】
 ①When requesting English certificates, you need to submit a copy of your passport to your department administration office in charge, or send it by postal mail, fax or send an e-mail.

 ②If you need to issue a certificate according to the specific format, please send it along with the above ① documents.

 ③You may be required to state the degree when applying for a visa for overseas travel. In the Verification of Graduation or Verification of Completion, please note that the title of degree is not stated in Japanese version. Therefore, if you need to certify the degree in the certificate, please request either Degree Certification, Verification of Graduation and Verification of Completion in English Version at the same time.

【Notes on payment】
 ①(① If you wish to mail to a domestic address, you also need to pay for “Letter Pack” 360yen.

 ②If you wish to postmail to overseas, you do not need to pay by the system, our staff will contact you regarding the procedues and postage.

③Once you proceed with the payment, certificate processing fee, postal mail fee will not be refunded under any circumstances. Please make sure that your payment is processing correctly before finalizing your payment.

 For current students, all certificates will be issued free of charge. Students who had once graduated but currently proceeding on to further studies at university(current student) are also free of charge; please note that if you mistakenly made payment for the processing fee and postal mail fee, it will not be refunded.

◆Receiving Certificates
1)Receiving at the department administration office
 ①Please come to the department administration office after the scheduled date of issuance.
 【Reception time】
  Weekdays 8:30 to 17:15
  Office will be closed on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, summer holidays (mid-August) and New Year holidays.

 ②Receiving at the department office by Agents
  In principle, certificate requested person himself/herself should receive the documents.
  If you wish to have an agent receive the certificate on your behalf, please bring the following 3 documents.
   ?A copy of the applicant's official identification
   ?Identification of the official agency of the agent
   ?Proxy letter 

2)Receiving by postal mail
 ①If you wish to mail to a domestic address, please pay 360yen in advance for” letter pack” fee by the System.

 ②If you wish to mail the certificate overseas, our staff will later contact you regarding procedures and the postal mail fee after applying in the System.

3)Types of Certificate · Days required after confirmation of payment

Year of Enrollment/Types of Certificate ①Verification of Graduation
②Verification of Completion
③Academic Transcript
⑥Academic Achievement Certification
(For Teacher-training Course)
 From ①~⑤above, Certificate with
 specific format
Enrollment after admission year of 2000
(Enrollment after admission year of 2007 for the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science.)
【Both Japanese ver. and English ver.】
1-3 days 2-10 days
Enrollment before admission year of 1999(Enrollment before admission year of 2006 for the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science.)
【Japanese ver.】
2-3 days 2-10 days
Enrollment before admission year of 1999(Enrollment before admission year of 2006 for the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science.)
【English ver.】
2-10 days 2-10 days

?Please note that on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, summer holidays (mid-August), and New Year holidays certificate issuance cannot be processed. They are excluded from the required days.

4)Name change
 If your surname or your first name is different from the name at the graduation , completion of the course, or withdrawals etc., and wish to issue the Certificate with your current name, you first need to change or correct your student registration.
 In order to do so, after applying at the System, submit the signed Notification of Name Change along with the documents which can confirm the new name to each department administration office or, sending by postal mail.
 If you wish to issue an certificate with the same name at the time of graduation(issue with your maiden name),no special procedure is necessary. At the time of registration on the System , the System will ask for your identification of the public institution.
※ Please note that for all the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science Alumni, certificates will be issued by your the name at the enrollment.

5)Downloading necessary documents other than applying by the system.
 You can download the followings;
  ①Name Change Document


6)Each department administration office

Affiliation Street address The person in charge Contact information
(Please replace the●part with @)
Faculty of Agriculture & Graduate School of Agriculture 〒 183-8509
3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo,JAPAN
Fuchu Student Support Office, Student Support Section TEL:042-367-5546
Faculty of Engineering & Graduate School of Engineering 〒184-8588
2-24-16, Nakamachi, Koganei City, Tokyo, JAPAN
Koganei Student Support Office, Student Support Section TEL:042-388-7010
United Graduate School of Agricultural Science 〒183-8509
3-5-8, Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo JAPAN
United Graduate School of Agricultural Science Office TEL:042-367-5670
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering 〒184-8588
2-24-16, Nakamachi, Koganei City, Tokyo, JAPAN
Koganei Student Support Office, Student Support Section TEL:042-388-7010

Graduate School of Agriculture (formerly the Academic Department of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture)/Faculty of Agriculture

Information on how graduates of the Graduate School of Agriculture (formerly the Academic Department of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture) and the Faculty of Agriculture can apply for certificates.

Faculty of Engineering/Graduate School of Engineering (formerly the Academic Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering and Graduate School of Technology Management)

Information on how graduates of the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering (formerly the Academic Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering and Graduate School of Technology Management) can apply for certificates.

Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering (formerly the Academic Department of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering and Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering)

Information on how graduates of the Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering (formerly the Academic Department of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering and Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering) can apply for certificates.

United Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Information on how graduates of the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science can apply for certificates.
