Tuition, Admission Fees and Other Fees

This page contains information about tuition and admission and exam fees.

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)

Tuition, admission fees and examination fees are as follows:

Category Tuition Admission fee Examination fee
Undergraduate students 535,800 yen per year 282,000 yen 17,000 yen
Undergraduate students (third-year transfers) 535,800 yen per year 282,000 yen 30,000 yen
Graduate school students
(excluding the Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering)
535,800 yen per year 282,000 yen 30,000 yen
Graduate school students
(Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering)
572,400 yen per year 282,000 yen 30,000 yen
Research students 29,700 yen per month 84,600 yen 9,800 yen
Research students (TUAT graduates, etc.) 14,800 yen per month 0 yen 9,800 yen
Non-degree students 14,800 yen per credit 28,200 yen 9,800 yen
Non-degree student (TUAT graduate, etc.) 7,400 yen per credit 0 yen 9,800 yen

Note: If the tuition fee is revised during enrollment, the new tuition will apply.

Tuition Payment

Undergraduate and Graduate Students?

■As a general rule, tuition is paid via account transfer (automatic withdrawal).
■Tuition account transfers are made each year on May 27 for the first term and November 27 for the second term. If the account transfer date falls on a bank holiday, however, the transfer will be made on the next business day.
Please note that TUAT will pay any handling fees.
■If you have not applied for payment by account transfer, we will send a payment slip to your guarantor in May for the first term and in November for the second term.
■If you have applied for a tuition exemption, you do not need to pay tuition until your exemption has been either approved or denied.
■If you require a receipt, please request one at the Cashier Section (Administration [General Affairs and Finance] Bldg. 1F, Fuchu Campus) or the Koganei Accounting Office Accounting Section (Main Building 3F, Koganei Campus). If you are paying by account transfer, it will take TUAT about one week after the transfer date to issue your receipt.
■If you want to change the designated account you use for account transfers, please fill out and submit an application for bank account transfers at the Cashier Section or the Koganei Accounting Office Accounting Section.
Please note that any change to the designated account will be made starting two months after the month the application for bank account transfers was submitted.?

Research Students and Non-degree Students?

■As a general rule, tuition is paid via postal transfer. (We will send you a transfer form for making postal transfers.)
Please be aware that tuition cannot be refunded after it is paid.
■The payment deadline differs for each faculty.
Faculty of Agriculture: Contact the Faculty of Agriculture Educational Affairs Section below.
Faculty of Engineering: The payment deadline is the end of the month prior to the month in which instruction begins.
Please note that you are responsible for paying any handling fees.


Cashier Section, Financial Affairs Office, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Tel: 042-367-5523
E-mail: zimsuito(insert @ symbol here)

Note: Please contact the relevant Educational Affairs Section for information about matters other than tuition.
Faculty of Agriculture
Tel: 042-367-5662
E-mail: a-kyomu(insert @ symbol here)
Faculty of Engineering
Tel: 042-388-7010
E-mail:tkyomu1(insert @ symbol here)

