List of Tuition, Admission Fees, and Other Fees

This page contains information about tuition and admission and exam fees.

Tuition and Points to Note

The tuition and other fees for TUAT are as follows:

Category Tuition Admission Fee Exam Fee
Undergraduate students 535,800 yen per year 282,000 yen 17,000 yen
Undergraduate students (third year transfer) 535,800 yen per year 282,000 yen 30,000 yen
Graduate school students
(Excluding those in the Graduate School of Technology Management or the Graduate School of Engineering Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation)
535,800 yen per year 282,000 yen 30,000 yen
Graduate school students
(In the Graduate School of Technology Management or the Graduate School of Engineering Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation)
572,400 yen per year 282,000 yen 30,000 yen
Researchers 29,700 yen per month 84,600 yen 9,800 yen
Research students who are TUAT graduates or the like 14,800 yen per month 0 yen 9,800 yen
Non-degree students 14,800 yen per credit 28,200 yen 9,800 yen
Non-degree students who are TUAT graduates or the like 7,400 yen per credit 0 yen 9,800 yen

For those having their fees withdrawn directly from their accounts, the withdrawal dates are May 27 for the first semester and November 27 for the second semester.
(If the 27th falls on a holiday, the withdrawal date will be the following day.)

For those not having their fees withdrawn directly from their accounts, a payment form will be sent to the guarantor in May for the first semester and in November for the second semester.

Note: If the admission fees and tuition are revised, the revised amounts will be applicable.

Tuition Fees Will Increase for Students Newly Entering Undergraduate Programs from AY 2024 and Graduate Programs from AY 2025
